Tagged: Alpha Jet

Nigerian Air Force L-39ZA (NAF-354), 27 November 2020 0

CAS Inspects ongoing in-Country Reactivation of L-39ZA, Reiterates Commitment to Ensuring Protection of Nigeria’s Airspace

The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, has expressed satisfaction with the progress of work on the ongoing in-country Life Extension Programme (LEP) on 3 L-39ZA aircraft at the 403...

Royal Canadian Air Force CF-188 Hornet (787) with AlphaJet (072) 0

Top Aces sees expanded role for red air as Air Force training evolves

The federal government’s request for proposals for a next-generation fighter jet may be delayed until July, but the company that provides aggressor or “red air” training for the fighter fleet is already preparing for...